Saturday, June 17, 2023

New Adventure -- France All Summer!

 Hi, fans!

I'm in the midst of a countdown: just two weeks until I fly to France for the summer!

I'll be staying with friends that I met in 2014-2015, my year of creative writing sabbatical in Paris.

Please come with me on this current trip! I'll be posting photos and commentary here on my blog. You can correspond by leaving a comment--each post will have a comment box at the bottom.

So I'm visiting friends in different parts of France and also house-sitting on the edge of Paris for a month. My friend Carol owns a house to the northwest of the city. She is a retired American major magazine reporter on French and EU economics, and after spending her working career in Paris she chose to retire in France. I can't wait to see her!

I too am retired, just six weeks ago. One part of this trip is a retirement gift to myself. For 9 days I'll tour Normandy and Brittany! It's quite extravagant of me, but I worked for 57 years and I feel that I earned this reward.

There is only one downside to being away for two months, and that's being away from my little grandsons  for so long. They will have grown and changed by the time I get back, without my witnessing it in person. Nothing in life is unalloyed--there's always both an upside and a downside. 

Stay tuned for more from France! Posts start in July!

It can be only the French who wear high heels while riding a scooter!



  1. I was away for the whole summer of 2023. So it is very refreshing to read your blog again. I love the name change, it suits your lifestyle very well. And I look forward to reading more of your blog and books! Thank you for never giving up on your dreams. You continue to inspire me greatly.

    1. Hi, Jacqui, I enjoy your comments so much. I appreciate your thanking me for never giving up on my dreams. I've come close, but writing and publishing -- especially novels and my upcoming memoir -- just won't let me go, even though I've considered letting them go :) Thanks also for letting me know that you like the name change. A lot of thought went into that, and I'm glad to hear that you think it suits. Please tell me, is there a project you are working on? I'd love to encourage you in pursuing it, just as you have encouraged me.
