Thursday, March 14, 2013

Martha Stewart and the American Dream

One Woman's American Dream Comes True

In the course of my job search, I came across the extraordinary opportunity to tour Martha Stewart's headquarters on Manhattan's west side. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the offices, the test kitchens, most of the hallways, or the central brainstorming area. That's because her office is an idea hatching ground -- her employees are creating wallcoverings, upholstery fabrics, linens and towels. They're creating like crazy, and Martha gives the thumbs up or down on everything.

No American woman today embodies the idea of success at an American Dream to any greater degree than Martha. She's a billionaire, and she made all her money herself.  Yes, she had a run-in with the law: personally, I think the world can't stand women as successful as Martha, and it does its best to tear them down.

How did Martha turn a party-planning business into a billion-dollar publishing empire? I say "You go, girl," and "Congratulations on tremendous financial success." And "Best of luck shouldering all the responsibilities -- from those to whom much has been given, much is required."

We've each been given gifts -- are you developing yours?

This is the prop room for her TV show and magazines. All kinds of household objects are stored here. Occasionally the staff weeds out and puts things on sale. Watch for notices on the Web -- you'll get good deals, I'm told.

This is just a fraction of the kinds of chairs and tables available.

This is one bookcase of published cookbooks in English.

This hallway is lined with bookcases of cookbooks. She owns just about every cookbook ever published in English. Martha Stewart's staff tweaks and updates old recipes and gives them a modern flair -- often through the use of trendy spices and herbs.

This is the view from Martha Stewart's HQ building on the west side. Her offices overlook a nightclub on a ship. The nightclub is called the Frying Pan and at the time of my visit, August, it was a "hot" nightspot. That all might have changed at this point! What do you think of Martha Stewart and her success?

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