Monday, September 28, 2015

Catalunyan Independence I

Catalunyan Independence

By Norma Jaeger Hopcraft

Catalunya, the area of Spain I now live in and seek my American Dream, wanted an historic referendum on whether or not to secede from Spain. Catalunyans have a long-term distrust of Madrid and a history of rebellions put down brutally. The region creates 35% of Spain's GNP, and they want to stop the flow of tax money to Madrid. Nobody here cares a fig about the Spanish royal family. They see them as drains on the economy and a bunch of entitled, corrupt snobs.

"My grandfathers are singing in their graves," one Catalan told me. Earlier in September was the annual National Day of Catalunya. This year it was bigger because of the upcoming referendum.

Barcelona is the capital of Catalunya. Here is the Arc de Triomph with people preparing to march in favor of independence at the foot.

Flags were everywhere. This is how people showed support for indepence.

Wearing the flag of Catalunyan independence means you're in favor of it.

So does wearing these T-shirts.

This means you're in favor of it.

So does this.

This T-shirt? In favor.

Whole families got into it.

These people just wanted gelato.

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