Friday, May 15, 2015

American Dreams: Tall Ships and Ocean Crossings

American Dream: Sailing in a Wind-Powered Ship

By Norma Jaeger Hopcraft

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One of my dreams is to cross the Atlantic on a sailing vessel, to listen to the rigging creak and strain as the wind pushes us through the water.

I'd do it in the summer, for the warmth, but then there's always the danger of a hurricane. How did the early settlers of America do it? They braved storms, shipwrecks, being lost at sea.

The tall ship Eagle. Two of its three masts are 147 feet tall. It carries 22,200 feet of sail.

A shot of the communications systems in the wheelhouse. The ship motors at 10 knots but can sail much faster, at 17 knots.

A lifeboat.

The ship's wheel(s). It might take three men to hold the course steady in a storm.

A view of downtown New London over the rail.

A place in the stern for sailors to sit and relax, except I doubt they ever get the chance.

Notice the wood deck. Lots of maintenance needed there constantly.
How about you?
Would you like to cross the ocean in a sailing vessel? Comment below!

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