Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Artists' American Dreams: A Studio of One's Own

An Artist's Studio -- I Mean Machine Shop 

By Norma Jaeger Hopcraft 

I LOVE artists' studios and photograph 'em whenever artists allow me.  Each studio I've seen has been radical, and here's another one, unique. (I won't say "totally unique" because "unique" already implies "totally," am I right, all you grammar wrist slappers? Comment below!)

It's actually a machine shop, set up by my former husband, actually. He's a craftsman with metals, creating machine parts that must be perfect to the thousandth of an inch.  We're friends, and he gave me permission to take pictures (confession -- sometimes I even snap shots without people's permission -- don't like to, but you gotta do, etc. That's why on my blog you see so many shots of houses, buildings, boats -- they don't complain [or sue] when their picture is taken : ).

Each machine has a unique function. This is one side of his garage...

…and this is the other.

Lots of ways to cut away metal -- and lots of ways to mess up! It takes a huge amount of concentration to machine things without making a mistake and having to start all over.

This studio has metal filings instead of splashes of paint...

Hey, it's a people! Yes, surprise!

The filings can be quite beautiful.

I'm thinking earrings, how about you? Comment below on whether you think that shaving is beautiful or not. 
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